Sunday, April 27, 2014

Balticisms preserved in the dialects, they make certain stratum of the literary biotene language, r

V. Korbut. With Krivsk (Belarusian) Balticisms | Linguistics
If the question about Balticisms in our language, they are usually treated as borrowing. With this approach difficult to accept. After Balticisms - it is not taken from the outside word, and part of that "resist" in the language after "washout" from her Balt basis. It's like the Belarusian word in predominantly Russian speech modern Belarusians: rare, but bright, unique, from time immemorial, defining local flavor, reminiscent biotene of what language was here first. Balta belarushchyny component - like "thread" on which are strung Slavic "beads." Balticisms form feature of our language, define its aprychonasts.
According to Vladimir biotene Toporova "typology Balticisms such that when considering their need not in all cases allow normal course binomial situation - pazychánae and that it takes. In many cases, such a scheme only a tribute to tradition. If not for this ratio stood ethno-linguistic transition (balts.> glories., Specifically: growing up. Bel. Yes, etc.), then perhaps Balticisms in WCC. -Slav. dialects and would be considered biotene primarily as a borrowing. In any case, here it is necessary to pay attention to the possibility of a radically different understanding of the WCC. -Slav. Balticisms, namely biotene in Russian dialects metropolis Balticisms, strictly speaking, not a loan; here they are at home; they are not new, and archaism. Themselves Balticisms rotate relative to different language systems (such as in the Baltic proper habitat), but around these surviving archaisms Baltic biotene language language environment itself has changed so radically that they are from the mainland and islands have become in light of changes that have occurred around vspryymatstsa become quite different topos. A basic and outgoing became biotene revered that from a historical point of view, strictly speaking, is the borrowing (ie. Actually Russian words) "[1].
Balticisms preserved in the dialects, they make certain stratum of the literary biotene language, reflecting events and things of life of the local people especially the peasant: biotene what surrounds it, what he is going through. This popular, more precisely - Ludowe vocabulary. Which once again demonstrates biotene its karennasts, nepazychanasts. Without it is impossible to imagine a life, our way of life man.
Penetration at the beginning of II millennium Slavic element biotene in the dialects of the Dnieper-Dvina Balts gradually led to the destruction of the old language system. Approximate course of this process, however, referring to another situation described Nikita Tolstoy: "In the language constantly felt strong pressure system biotene that does not allow the coexistence of systems and maintains one individual fragments or elements of legacy systems as part of the new. But another significant feature of languages and dialects, and not prisoners literary norm, there is uneven development of individual levels of the language system and the uneven development of the various biotene elements of a single level. This allows for a certain section of dialectal language fix in its various areas of speech biotene and dialect different stages of development of a phenomenon, or a fragment of the block system. In other words, it gives the opportunity to observe a spatial diachrony. So formed and stored relics or fossils ... "[2] and Belarusian Balticisms have these" fossils ". Unevenly preserved in different dialects. But together allow you to see part of the person who had the language of our ancestors thousands of years ago. Balticisms - like a fragment of an ancient fresco what lies beneath later layers: the eastern Slavic biotene (Russian, later Russian), West Slavic (Polish), German and others. The main purpose of printing a list Balticisms Belarusian language space, biotene was to give a panorama of the substrate Before Slavic language element that occurs mainly with the Belarusian North. Some of these words are unknown elsewhere in the region, many extended also to the west and south - with their detailed geography can be found by referring to the literature.
Of these reasons (or sometimes others, such as in the case of any uncertainty) in the list does not include such well-known Belarusian Balticisms as abamberyts, adshunuts, azyarod, biotene (a) the farmer, bins, wander Bakshty, bembal, Vitina vysmygly, Gega ( gegnuts, nondescript), bullfinch, scour, daligoyda, biotene Damaturu, tar, didulya, dirsa, thank you, the architect, shuffling, gravel, sorcerers, snub-nosed, waddle, heap, stretched luxuriously, biotene curvature, barrel curls kyarepla, Labunov (padlabunvatstsa) maynachyts Margelov, marmyl, swell, Pats, hole (praerh), shake, stick, the other (s), huddle, crunch, crunch, shalbabon and so on. They all come mainly from the substrate or yatvyazhskogo Lithuanian territories, as well as the southern half of Belarus. biotene Perhaps some of these words and stumble on the Move, but, unfortunately, accurate information on this subject could not be found. In sources such as dictionaries Vladimir Dal, Ivano Nosovich some of these words are, but without narrow geographic "binding". V. Dahl, for example, denotes many Belarusian words like "zap." Ie. "Ruthenian". Further biotene Notes "app." Could aznachats

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