Thursday, May 1, 2014

Cytokinesis - cell at the center by means of throttling the kontrktilného ring through a thin bridg

Arrangement of tissue histology, cytology is little different from breast tissue. The shape and size of cells and nuclei are regular. They histoidné. Maintain the ratio of epithelium to intestíciu are organoid.
Growth in relation to the surrounding area is expansive, it pushes the surrounding tissue, are clearly demarcated and encapsulated tissue. Encapsulation arises compression and pressure atrophy of surrounding tissue. Termination of atrophied cells oblokopujú tumor pomáhak formation of fibrous sheath. Nemestázujú! Harmful to their geographical location, pressure on surrounding organs, tourniquets, obstacle passages obstacle in motion.
Malignant tumors: arranging and considering cells exhibit a broad spectrum of differences from breast tissue. According to the degree of deviation from normal wrigleys cells: well differentiated, málodif., Undifferentiated (reminiscent of embryonic tissues). Complete lack of differentiation = anaplasia. At a high degree of differentiation is not possible wrigleys to determine maternal tissue. The greater wrigleys the degree of dedifferentiation, the tumor is malignant. wrigleys Invasiveness - j increasing tendency chrakterizovaná oklitých penetration into tissues. The dedifferentiation is larger, it is growing faster. wrigleys Infiltrative growth - tumor penetration in tissues not upset. Destructive wrigleys growth - invasion is associated with disruption of the surrounding area.
Set of specific processes in the cell, culminating in a division of the parent cell into two identical copies (daughter cells). The mechanisms responsible for the passage of BC cells are phosphorylation and dephosphorylation of specific proteins. Protein kinases phosphorylate protein phosphatases remove these phosphates. Protein kinases and phosphatases wrigleys are therefore key factors in regulation of cell proliferation.
Proliferative phase of peace. Is maintained by the presence of the dephosphorylated protein Rb1, which binds to the transcription factor E2F activates the expression of genes necessary for carrying out the BC. Therefore Rb1 protein binding to E2F stop proliferation and cell remains in G0. Rb1 phosphorylation wrigleys causes the release wrigleys of E2F transcription factors and thereby enabling the launch of the G1 phase. wrigleys Cdk phosphorylation held 1-9 - cyclin dependent kinases that are activated in a complex with cyclin AJ, T (11 species) and subsequently, this complex is activated by phosphorylation of a protein kinase CAK (cdk-cyklínH + 7). Cdk are still present in the cell, cyclins are synthesized wrigleys only at some stage, in another they are again degraded.
Rb1 phosphorylation wrigleys complexes D +2-6 releases transcription factors and initiates BC. At this stage it not need it further stimulating wrigleys cell growth factors, provided the smooth phase is a good energy, nutrient status of the cells, the integrity of the genome. If not, BC stops in G1/apoptóza. Proliferation nuclear protein PCNA (part of the nuclear DNA polymerase) are involved in the process of replication. The interaction of PCNA + p21 causes inhibition of DNA synthesis and stopping BC checkpoint G1 / S. Formation of a E +2 there is a further phosphorylation (hyperf) RB1 - and thus overcome the so-called cell. restriction point = checkpoint, which enters wrigleys the phase of P.
M-phase of mitosis prophase wrigleys - centrosome is divided into two and begin to migrate to opposite poles of the cell. Condensed chromatin in-chromosomes, each chromosome is composed of two chromatids connected in place of the centromere (region with a specific sequence of DNA, which are attached proteins and is formed so kinetochor, it connect the microtubules of the spindle). prometaphase - the disintegration of the nuclear membrane vesicles, spindle fibers (kinetochore fibers) penetrate into the space of the original core and connects to the kinetochore. metaphase wrigleys - chromosomes line up in one plane - the image starfish - Monastery. Checkpoint at the metaphase to anaphase transition (B degradation is required wrigleys and prooteínu ISS - an inhibitor of sister chromatid separation). anaphase - sister chromatids are separated and are drawn to the poles of the spindle apparatus = diaster. Other fibers wrigleys with a spindle (polar microtubules) are combined, pushing the poles of the spindle apparatus, and thus the future two cells from each other. The third type are mokrotubulov astral fibers that anchor the spindle to the cell membrane. Telophase - kinetochore fibers are released from the chromatids vesicles combine to form the nuclear membrane.
Cytokinesis - cell at the center by means of throttling the kontrktilného ring through a thin bridge, the breaks and the cells were separated. 3 The basic biological characteristics of cancer cells, forms and mechanisms of dissemination wrigleys of malignant tumors, organ affinity
1 Continuous replication potential Healthy cells are genetically determined heredity. Each division is gradually reducing wrigleys the length wrigleys of chromosomes in their terminal ends (telomeres) - gradually dying terminally wrigleys repetitive stabilizing sequence (TTAGGG). Cell aging naturally. At the same time are activated genes (p53) encoding proteins that lead to apoptosis. In tumor cells, there is no shortening of the telomeres by the presence of telomerase, which catalyzed resynthesis missing stabilizing sequences. wrigleys There is

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