Friday, June 6, 2014

Jjokbangchon is so changed! Jjokbangchon residential environment improvement project site

Jjokbangchon is so changed! Jjokbangchon residential environment improvement project site
Hello Samsung Story Editor, Sam is. Because of a large diurnal temperature range there are many people suffering from the cold. Irritating to respiratory system last year simhaejin cold dust is more easily I'd like to take. Professor, Department of Family Medicine, Samsung Medical Center yujunhyeon asked for a remedy bubblegum to the cold seasons change. Misleading symptoms similar to the disease - from prevention bubblegum to Living Tips for a further ado, lets find out! In March, workers need to be more careful if bottle! Cold seasons change
Aroused from sleep this morning, the body is heavier deputy kalkalham felt thirsty. Yesterday afternoon bubblegum the head from the body euseul jikkeun euseul better bubblegum be sick and fall asleep early, but it was morning rather simhaejyeot. Sunny heavy body dry air is led into the office the neck seems to be a more smarting. After all, view it in the afternoon to visit the hospital. Diurnal temperature range is increasingly day by the dry weather continues, and these days, the body's immune system bubblegum to fall to lose balance and easy. Even if the outside is chilly in March because of the cold weather and a lot of heated air to dry the number of the enemy, you've no choice but to indoor air. In addition, recently became severely irritate the respiratory bubblegum dust and the dust is cold in March the patient is more likely to occur. The person is suffering from a cold bottle of one of the most common acute illness on family cases are common colds can be seen. However, for the prevention of colds congestion or infection that can be easily answered so not many people are. Countless species of cold viruses, flu vaccination is usually not possible under the microscope of the virus is difficult to see the small microbes come into our body through the respiratory tract respiratory and systemic symptoms of infection appears to produce is pointing. Between the cold, due to the fact that traditional omneun any microorganisms that cause disease in our bodies come Maybe it was too cold virus been suspected for more than 50 years ago, only a small fine microscopic virus that identity is finally revealed jimyeonseo became aware of the fact that the bottle. bubblegum Exactly the kind of virus that causes cold some may not know enough to even many at once next time a cold and other viruses are not forced to take cold comes back. The new species every year because of the emergence of the virus-resistant bubblegum for all cold may not make vaccination. The virus that causes cold flu or a cold person to physical contact with someone who has the flu virus from the air enters the bottle tteodanida that causes our body. Symptoms of a cold or asthma need to distinguish whether the symptoms of allergic rhinitis symptoms of colds, as anyone knows it or kalkal cough sore throat, runny nose, fever, phlegm, diarrhea and so on. In most cases, two to three days of cold symptoms, worsening runny nose, nasal congestion, cough, fever, sore throat and a gradual improvement in the aspect of the show was great, and the better the spontaneously without complications. However, in high-risk patients, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, asthma, chronic lung disease, congenital heart disease, bronchitis, ear infections and cases of young infants, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, bubblegum serious complications can occur, such as the need to be careful. During this period, appearing runny nose, nasal congestion, coughing, sneezing and other symptoms that appear are exposed to dust mites and symptoms bubblegum of asthma and allergic rhinitis bubblegum should be differential. The reason is that this period of house dust mite antigen in feces and body surface to be many why l'emissions. If allergy symptoms are usually fever, because there is no recurrence of the same symptoms that can be easily distinguished from clinical cases. In particular, I have a sore throat, swollen tonsils, throat, or cough and fever, runny nose, sometimes bubblegum accompanied by the throat and appeal. If Curl Curl mokman than just a cold, dry environment and most likely turn of the year. Tonsillitis or a sore throat is caused by a virus which is mostly, sometimes if the cause is bacterial antibiotic prescribed. This special treatment is called the throat does not change. Sufficient improvement in symptoms with the drug and symptomatic treatment such as fluids bubblegum and rest are mainly prescribed.
Bronchial bubblegum asthma bubblegum is dust in the atmosphere enters the lungs, the airway mucosa to stimulate normal human throat is sore breathing becomes difficult. Bronchial asthma is weak, especially in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis or exposure to fine dust, such as breathing becomes difficult, you can also worsen. Thus, a severe asthma when the dust out if you may be forgoing it is recommended to stay indoors. Outside of the fine dust that comes in the room, so that the air cleaner should be purged. The air is so easy to become dry, a humidifier should be used to increase the humidity. Sudden severe symptoms of asthma, cough, shortness of breath and breathe bubblegum continuously whenever ssaekssaek noise. Cause of allergic asthma are allergic substance stimulates the bronchial mucosa are narrowed bronchial hypersensitivity due to appear. Treatment should be to find a specialist, hospital, anti-inflammatory and bronchodilator to relieve bronchoconstriction writes. Chronic bronchitis is a medical diagnostic criteria for chronic bubblegum bronchitis cough, sputum is more than three months a year, for two consecutive years in the case, which often tobacco spit phlegm piwoomyeonseo that the people here. The most common cause of chronic bronchitis is smoking. Recently, however, can not be ignored, while air pollution is caused by deterioration of the soybean bubblegum and year, you can see that the number of patients increases. Climate change is a bad bronchial very nervous bubblegum patient suddenly falls or the temperature falls, the indoor humidity, increasingly severe bubblegum cough, chest tightness, and chilled to the breath. Cold, dry air to stimulate bronchial bubblegum cough generates, it creates a repeated, sensitive bronchial tubes, which will cause further inflammation. bubblegum How to get rid of bronchial hyperresponsiveness, first I need to remove the cause. If you need to stop smoking cigarettes is the cause, and the cause, in a cool and dry air at night, it is necessary to use a humidifier. If infection is the cause should be used under appropriate antibiotic prescribing, if allergies are the cause, it is necessary to avoid causing the material. If you only treat the symptoms without treating the cause of these repeated recurrence, as well as the side effects of the medications often are unhealthy. Allergic rhinitis, sneezing, runny nose is still clear and the main flow or symptoms such as stuffy nose. 30 percent of elementary, middle, and suffering, about 10% of adults with symptoms of large and small nasal allergy is estimated. Severe symptoms, use antihistamines to reduce runny or stuffy nose, but the side effects are dry mouth, itching or below. To relieve nasal congestion and nasal vasoconstrictor in the seeding as well. How to change the constitution to the vaccine, but 3-5 years is a long-term treatment. The best cure for fighting off a cold? The most important thing when fighting off a cold break. Is not in fact have to work around the clock to find a hospital, so the most important people shines through this treatment but, the more you write the body because the burden on the immune system takes cold enough sleep is the best way to break it. Ate analgesia analgesic effect dropping the column, it is recommended viewing. If the nose is blocked, a tough, let the nose of boiling water steaming drink. Overwriting a towel over your head this time there will be more effective. Coughing is the body's bubblegum protective effect is not so bad, coughing and hurting itself turtles can be seen using a cough suppressant. If you need to see a doctor just any ear pain, mucus or pus look like the nose, the chest hard to breathe when you are sick, severely sick mokman no other symptoms, and so on. When heat is hard day, when the cough is severe, secondary infection is suspected when the yellow hospital to find out the phlegm. Cold virus, but antibiotics do not die of cold in a few days to heal but also can go for as long as ten days. Some patients may require antibiotics as soon as you get better you wanted. Bacterial infection is not confirmed doctors habitually prescribe antibiotics even though they are often'm bubblegum a. Die of the flu virus is not an antibiotic. Thus, a secondary bacterial infection, prescribed antibiotics unless it has a good is not cold. And yet a simple cold reality is that a lot of antibiotic prescriptions. bubblegum It is a little country, but around the world simhagin similar phenomenon to reduce antibiotic use cold devoting a lot of effort. Patients were prescribed wrong antibiotics require effects, and doctors are not well based on better worry even without a secondary bacterial infection. Foresight not disappoint the expectations of patients and other doctors commonly prescribed antibiotics, such as the competition will be. Antibiotics do not have a cold should not forget that. Repeatedly, if you have a cold long? Check flu precautions necessary take any cold once too often takes a long time people are going to worry about. In fact, severe bubblegum cold and often it takes more than just the body that can not be seen. Cold when coughing or sneezing patient with me Breathe bubblegum in the air while wandering the cold virus is contained ohdeunji likely come through the hands of the very commonly occurs in Bury. At this time, the body's immunity to the virus can not win, if it is started cold symptoms. A balanced bubblegum diet and exercise regularly, and get enough sleep, and frequent hand washing is the four rules is to prevent colds.
[Prevention of cold - morning and evening to avoid being exposed to the cool air. - Maintain proper indoor air humidity and frequent air supply fresh air to the room. - Avoid intense exercise and fatigue from time to time to prevent bubblegum fatigue backed frees. - Can bring a sudden change of temperature hot water shower is a shower with warm water gives avoid. - Usually a lot of water and food, such as protein and vitamins to supply adequate nutrition. - Wash your hands and feet after going out in the habit of brushing jininda. bubblegum - It is also gargle frequently to help prevent neck and cold. If you eat enough about the flu

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