Saturday, December 28, 2013

The root is with strong fibers stuck in the jaw bone. The gum tissue is attached to the jaw bone an

Plaque on the teeth causes inflammation whiting in the gum line. Such gum disease called gingivitit. The infection may spread from the gumline to the subjacent bone. As a result, goes jawbone around the lost teeth and molars. Ultimately, there can be so much that the jawbone disappear teeth stand apart and finally fall! This form of gum disease whiting called periodontitis. Timely treatment whiting can prevent loss of teeth.
The root is with strong fibers stuck in the jaw bone. The gum tissue is attached to the jaw bone and the teeth. Gums, bone and fibers form the supporting tissues of the teeth. This connective tissue is also called the periodontium. The narrow gap between the gums and teeth is called the pocket. In healthy gums, the pocket shallow (no more than 3 mm)
The inflammation of the gums caused whiting by bacteria. Those bacteria - it involves many different types - sit in the dental plaque. Dental plaque is a soft, sticky film on the teeth. It has a white or yellow color which makes it difficult to see. Plaque can calcify into tartar that is securely whiting attached to the teeth. Without plaque forms tartar no!
The inflammation in the gingival whiting edge can extend in the direction of the jaw bone. The gums to thereby separate from the teeth and molars. in the space thus created between the gum and the teeth and molars, again forms plaque. Through this plaque inflammation whiting even move further into the depths. The fibers pass through the ignition broken and the bone is broken. As a result, the pockets whiting are deeper. In the recessed pocket partially calcified plaque into tartar. This inflammation with breakdown of fibers and bone is called periodontitis.
In periodontal disease the gums red, swollen and weak and can bleed when brushing or eating. The gums can eventually going to retire. Also viese taste or bad breath may indicate periodontitis. Periodontitis almost never cause pain. As a result, it may go unnoticed.
Only in advanced statium complaints arise. Which may for example consist whiting of stand of teeth or the creation of space between them loose. If the gum is withdrawn far can an ugly sight. Due to receding gums roots partly become exposed, the teeth can be very sensitive and choose when brushing. This may also be the case when drinking hot, cold, sweet or sour foods and drinks. Because periodontal disease can eventually lost so much bone that the teeth all lose their grip and fall!
Not everyone will get periodontitis. This is because bacteria whiting in the dental plaque from person to person, different types and numbers. The aggressiveness of the bacteria can vary greatly. As a result, the dental plaque from one person will be much more damaging than those of another. Also, the overall resistance against bacteria in the dental plaque plays an important whiting role.
Inflamed gums may become red, swollen and limp. It may also bleed. But these symptoms are not always present. Therefore, it is inflammation of the gums with a so-called pocket probe detected. The pocket probe is pushed into the pocket: if it involves whiting a (minor) bleeding occurs, the inflamed gums. The pockets around the teeth and molars with examining the pocket probe can be determined where the gums healthy and where it is ignited.
With the pocket probe is also measured whether the pocket is deepened. from 4 mm, there is a recessed pocket. In the picture above the pocket 7 mm probe inserted into the pocket, the pocket is too deep. I advise you to keep your teeth healthy to prevent periodontal disease. So if you are ready to have your teeth cleaned, well then go with a ragertje between your teeth, in the beginning, this bleeding, as it is light, but the more you do, the less it bleeds. And at one point the blood is no longer, and the inflammation disappeared.
Anita Thieme 2012-07-03T08: 17:26 +02:00 whiting +0
Lautje 2012-07-03T08: 23:56 +02:00 +0
@ Jurgen No, that's not for me hehe:. P But I have many times when I sat mondhygeniste all know by now: P I did not used to be so important, my teeth but by now I've learned how important it is to keep your teeth healthy hold and that I recommend to everybody.
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