Thursday, January 2, 2014

Taking good care of your teeth and gums not only keeps your mouth healthy. A growing number of doct

Brushing and flossing, you will not see soon as lifesaving actions. cadbury india But a clean mouth does a lot more for your body than you think.
Taking good care of your teeth and gums not only keeps your mouth healthy. A growing number of doctors cadbury india and researchers see remarkable parallels between inflamed cadbury india gums and the rest of the body. Inflamed gums example, poor oral hygiene associated with cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, strokes and heart attacks. But there is also a relationship with suspected cancer of the stomach, intestines and pancreas (pancreatic). Especially men with bad teeth have an increased risk of cancer of the pancreas. Furthermore, there is evidence that increases cadbury india in inflamed gums children prematurely born chance. There may be also associated with arthritis, pneumonia, bone loss (osteoporosis) cadbury india and explain extreme fatigue, such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). cadbury india Difficult to Well maintained gingivitis gum pink or pinkish color and fit snugly around the teeth. If your gums slightly inflamed and bleed when brushing, there is gingivitis. This occurs when the bacteria in plaque aggressive nestle between gums and teeth edges. The gums are red edges and a little swollen. Periodontitis is the worse when the ignition under the edges of the gums decreases and comes into the space (pocket) between the gums and teeth. This is called periodontitis. The inflammation may also affect the gums and eventually the jawbone. The teeth can lose their grip and loose. First signs Approximately 10 to 15% of the Dutch population suffers from periodontal disease. Not everyone wants to go to the dentist because gingivitis long can lie dormant without immediately giving problems. Bleeding gums and bad breath are the first signs that something may be wrong. Periodontal disease can be treated, moreover, in the majority of cases. Organs Experts think that the diligent proliferating cadbury india bacteria in plaque are 2 ways to expand their scope to blood vessels and organs in the body. It is possible that they get into the blood stream via the gums and cause inflammatory reactions in the veins, causing arteriosclerosis occurs. The risk of a heart attack, a heart infection (endocarditis) and stroke through it to take. Nitrosamines Another explanation is that bacteria or bad substances from gum inflammation of the intestines or by blood evoke responses. For example, people who spent years walking around with periodontal disease have a high content of harmful nitrosamines in the mouth and intestines. And these substances are carcinogenic. At gum inflammation is often one of the known inflammatory markers cadbury india in the blood, the so-called CRP, increased. Pancreas In a large study of 50,000 men discovered the Harvard School of Public Health two years ago, a clear link between pancreatic cancer and men with bad teeth. It also became clear that the risk of pancreatic cancer increases with the condition of the teeth is worse. It is not known exactly why this is sensitive to the pancreas. Smoking and stress cadbury india If you wegpoetst plaque is not good, it is formed in the long run tartar. cadbury india That can only remove the dentist or hygienist. Plaque occurs especially after sugary food and drink. If you already have tartar, then new plaque can attach it easily. Some people have previously suffered from tartar and gingivitis than others. This may be due to genetic factors. Smoking promotes gum disease, but also a stressful life makes your gums more susceptible to infections. People with diabetes have a greater risk of periodontal disease. Dentures that do not fit well and growing crooked teeth can also cause infections. Flossing: life-with cadbury india just brushing you remove not all plaque. About a third of the plaque is hidden between the teeth and the edges of the gums. That can only be removed with floss or ragertjes. According to research from the Harvard Medical School is gum disease is one of the biggest causes of arteriosclerosis. Daily flossing properly is an important prerequisite for a healthy, long life, the researchers conclude. Very recent Italian cadbury india study confirms the link between gum disease and atherosclerosis. Medications Some medications cadbury india weaken the gums a bit, allowing bacteria to get more chances to do so. Their destructive work These are especially drugs that make the mouth drier, such as antidepressants, and antihistamines. Some antihypertensive medications make sure the gum is a bit swollen. And therefore it is difficult to clean properly. TIP - also read tips against gingivitis
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