Wednesday, November 6, 2013

1. Bleaching with Whitening Gel by using a bleaching gel that can be done at home. Which must be do

White teeth would be everyone's dream. Now, there are a variety of ways to make your teeth become more healthy and beautiful putih.Gigi usually identified with white teeth clean and bright. Unfortunately, because of the food, drink and the wrong treatment, guma teeth like a pearl it difficult owned. However, dentistry technology now can be overcome. Want an instant way or time consuming? You just select.
Because of his habit of smoking, Panca tooth color so a little murky. Although you have tried to stop smoking and toothpaste that contains bleach, teeth still muddy color. guma "I am so-de pe baseball when he smiled," I Panca. Panca similar problems experienced by Anne. As a child, Anne often sick, so it should be routinely ingest antibiotics. In the first era, antibiotics that contain tetracycline. As a result, after taking such a long time, teeth become discolored Anne was gray. "I'm so lazy smile. As a result, people often thought I was arrogant and not friendly. This accusation is often made me feel depressed, "runtuk Anne. Sense of inferiority because colorless brilliant teeth does a lot of experienced people. As a result, not only making them reluctant to smile, guma too often reluctant to talk. Various methods are done to hide the "pearls" that's dull. For example, by closing the mouth with the palm of the hand or a handkerchief when smiling or talking. guma In addition to its food, drugs or cigarettes are consumed by humans, can also discolored teeth due to poor maintenance causing hoards plaque on the tooth surface and will change the color of teeth. Here's an explanation Drg. Lita Darmawan of Clinical Kharinta, Bintaro, about how to whiten teeth.
Want TEETH THREE WAYS putihkan fast or long? The process of teeth whitening you can select as contents of the bag and needs. The most common way is chosen to whiten teeth usually guma with gel. However, it could be with the help of laser teeth whitening or tape.
1. Bleaching with Whitening Gel by using a bleaching gel that can be done at home. Which must be done before the patient is examined teeth whitening with your doctor to see the situation. If he has cavities, the teeth will be patched first to avoid irritation. Gel into the teeth and gums will cause a heavy feeling sore. Once the filling is done, the doctor will then print out any teeth. This is useful when making the sample tray (container) in the dental laboratory. After a few days, be prepared tray and implementation by using gel cosmetic dentistry can be done at home. How to bleach it is as follows: apply a whitening gel in the tray and snap the tray on your teeth, then pressed to remove excess gel that is not covered in gum. Excess gel was cleaned with a cotton bud. "Bleaching is done during guma night sleep. When you wake up in the morning, a new tray can be removed, after that brush your teeth and wash his tray, "said Lita. During the tooth does not have problems, such as the date or other, then it can still be used. If carried out for three consecutive days, then the coveted white teeth will soon be held. For the record, if the sense of pain arising from these treatments, teeth whitening should be stopped two or three days until the sense of pain is no longer felt. "Then to see the changes clearly, do teeth whitening guma only on the upper or lower jaw first. That way, you can see the difference between before and after treatment, "says Lita. The cost of dental care package with this gel around Rp. 1.5 to 2 million. Oh yes, the patient may also choose guma gelnya flavors, like mint, banana or other.
2. Laser whitening by bleaching in this way is usually done for severe cases. "Not like a gel, cosmetic dentistry is to be done in the clinic with the help of a dentist. This is due to the higher content of whitening teeth - up to 35 millimeter, while the composition of the whitening gel only 10 -15 milli, so if it is not done carefully, it could lead to a sense of pain is quite severe, "said Lita. Because it can lead to irritation of the gums, then your doctor will usually provide security in advance of the gums. After that, the process pemutihannya, the gums will be illuminated with light that is high enough, then rinsed and irradiated again. guma Changes will be visible only within 0.5 to 1 hour. For good results, the patient should perform regular dental care as well, such as brushing your teeth regularly.
3. Bleaching with tape bleach This is the fastest teeth whitening, it only took half an hour. However, the results are not durable. If another bleaching can last 3 years, guma with masking tape only lasted a few days. In the process pemutihannya, masking tape affixed guma to the teeth during the whitening seteng

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