Monday, November 25, 2013


I'm growing a wisdom tooth, and you is it? As you have experienced this ..... Many of us know firsthand what if the wisdom tooth is cut. It generally erupt in adults aged 20 to 25 years. When the wisdom tooth is no place on the jaw, it only partially erupt. Complications arise when teething wisdom teeth: one of the most common diseases are dental caries. A tooth that is cut, displaces nearby, thus closing bumps on back of tongue access to a toothbrush to certain parts of it, plaque that accumulates in places and can cause tooth decay, if not properly teething bumps on back of tongue wisdom teeth on the lower jaw can develop malocclusion. Because the increase in the density of the teeth of the lower jaw inevitably affects the upper teeth - they are leaving, bumps on back of tongue if the wisdom tooth is cut through only part of it and under the gumline in gingival bumps on back of tongue pockets that created may collect the remains of food, because of what zapalyatsya clear, If time does not apply to the dentist can happen perikoronorit. This disease is accompanied by pain, fever and weight even discomfort. Dental Clinic Dr. Shapovalov - Tooth treat this disease need by order of a physician bumps on back of tongue or rinsing at advanced stages, surgery - removal of the tooth, where the wisdom tooth can not erupt, it can cause headaches, pain in the chest, facial pain, neurological syndromes. Is it necessary to remove wisdom tooth? It is very common for wisdom teeth that erupt, not enough room on the jaw, which is slightly reduced during evolution because Tooth erupt partially displaced or crooked cuts through. During mastication of food wisdom tooth is not involved. Therefore, there are complaints from patients, and those present when the tooth is trying to erupt, it simply removed. As for the timing of when to remove wisdom teeth, we can say that the problematic wisdom teeth need to remove the sooner the better. There is also a pretty fair idea that the younger the patient, the better for such an operation. For 20 years the roots of the tooth and the bone still not thick - respectively, removed more easily. Since the removal of wisdom teeth - a rather complicated procedure in removing the complications can arise, the most common bumps on back of tongue is dry and paresthesia - damage to nerves bumps on back of tongue during removal. The symptoms of paresthesias - numbness of tongue and chin.
88! hold. in my experience, and based on their professional knowledge, I will say that it is better to remove. first few times I clipped bumps on back of tongue clear that it was a place to grow. then during such OSes have brought the infection, after which I ended up in surgery with mandibular odontogenic abscess. even a tooth eventually gives dislocated jaw. and then I hit a normal dental surgeon in honey. Zoological institute, which removed me the tooth. and all the problems remained behind.
Soda more than 2 or 3 days is not possible, softens the enamel. And not much good. Givalex a good thing that there is a strong anesthetic, no pain to endure wild. Surprisingly, not advised, he antiinflammatory and analgesic.
I decided to tooth "climb" Perez protection bachelor. Defended the best in the group. Diploma with distinction) bumps on back of tongue seems very much like poskorishe is complete and go to the doctor. They say it is psychologically true. And then began the second ache too napereddni of an important event ... but climbed. here and I think waiting until the dissertation ... bastard!
sorry, they are in me "povylazyly" something very soon :) began to erupt even at 17, and it was Karpets, rose fever, bumps on back of tongue could not chew. I remember that was applied to the Gums tincture of calendula (removed the ignition) and moreover, they climbed very weak, one trouble. No longer exists, has lost because they did not place enough)
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