Sunday, November 2, 2014

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Tartar - attention! blood blister in mouth | Dr. Bogomil Stoev - dentistry for patients
All very well know the importance of regular oral hygiene. It can help us to combat the accumulation of tartar. But if we are really aware of how dangerous blood blister in mouth it can be and how it can affect our overall blood blister in mouth health? This article will introduce you to such famous tartar and will help you understand how to prevent its accumulation.
Even if you do your regular oral hygiene, it is still some bacteria survive. These bacteria use a nutrient particles remaining on the teeth to form a sticky film called plaque, which cover the oral surfaces (teeth, mucous membranes, blood blister in mouth tongue). blood blister in mouth It is in the greatest blood blister in mouth quantities in places that are difficult to clean - the last teeth - just the gum line and around the seals. blood blister in mouth When you eat these bacteria located in dental plaque, separated acids that can damage tooth enamel and cause the formation of very small cavities (caries), which subsequently increase in size. Furthermore, these acids may cause both inflammation and infection of the gums.
A bigger problem can occur if plaque is not removed and remains on the teeth. For about 26 hours, it can be hardened due to the mineral ions which are present in saliva. blood blister in mouth When this happens, the plate turns into tartar. Since this is mineralized (hard) structure, it can not be as easily oust its plaque.
Once tartar has formed, for you will be even more difficult to effectively clean their teeth. This leads to the fact that the acids which are released by bacteria in the mouth is more likely to result in the formation blood blister in mouth of dental caries. blood blister in mouth
Tartar that develops can be especially blood blister in mouth dangerous for your gums. This is because bacteria can cause irritation of the tissue of the gum. Over time, this inflammation can lead to a progressive disease of gums. Gum disease can have serious consequences if not treated. The simplest form of gingivitis is called blood blister in mouth gingivitis. It can usually be cured by careful oral hygiene and regular professional cleaning.
If tartar is not removed blood blister in mouth regularly and inflammation of the gums is left untreated, blood blister in mouth gingivitis can progress to a more severe form of gum disease - periodontitis. It shall monitor the formation of bone pockets between blood blister in mouth the gums and teeth. These pockets become blood blister in mouth infected by bacteria under the gums. The immune system of the organism as a response starts to release substances for combating bacteria, which together with the substances released from them can damage the bone and other tissues involved in the maintenance of the teeth. This eventually may lead to shaking and loss of teeth and the jaw bone fusion. In addition, we can say that studies show a relationship between cardiovascular disease and tartar.
The best way to not come to this is as follows: - Regularly clean their teeth properly. - Use every day, floss at least once. - Limit the amount of sugar in their food. - Reduce cigarettes because they increase the accumulation of tartar.
It is important to understand that once tartar has formed only professional cleaning at the dentist will help you get rid of it. So visit your dentist at least 2 times a year to prevent the development of these diseases.
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