Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Sachets with thyme hung in the closet to protect against moths and smell good. Thyme oil can be use

English name of thyme - "Thyme" comes from Greek and means "fumigate, disinfect." exoderil Used for smoking exoderil - expel insects. Mixed with drinks to enhance their fascinating effect and give courage. Warriors were massaged with oil of thyme, to have courage. Women wore their hair in thyme to be more attractive. The phrase "the smell of thyme" meant that the woman was a stylish, well seen, decorous and attractive. Thyme is a native of the Mediterranean, but the Romans spread it throughout Europe. Their soldiers add it in the tub for strength, bravery and courage. In medieval exoderil England ladies embroidered bunches exoderil of thyme scarves of knights in order to increase their courage. In Scotland brew tea courage and repel nightmares. exoderil
Sumerians used it as an antiseptic herb. In Egypt was part of the embalming herbs. Across exoderil Europe were placed in the coffin of the dead, to provide him with easy passage beyond. Thyme is a kind woman and is associated with the element exoderil of water and the planet Venus, exoderil and also so ka and goddesses Aphrodite and Freya, and god Ares. Thyme is used in spells for strength and courage. When hard work is not sufficient to achieve a goal, thyme helps to keep the positive mood. Fumigation home with a little thyme to remove melancholy, hopelessness and other negative vibrations, especially after a family tragedy or a long illness. Put thyme under your pillow to have restful sleep, happy dreams, no nightmares. Fairies love thyme - adding it in your garden will attract exoderil them and can be used to communicate with them. Thyme is an ideal herb for ritual baths and smoking in early spring festivals when looking for a way to leave the old and welcome the new. Thyme is burning in love spells. It is believed that it is a lucky in two ways - for protection and purification, and to increase the state. Many gamblers use butter Three Jacks and pop to attract good luck to the table. Some people planted thyme in your garden to increase the flow of money as it grows. Others take a dollar bill or two lev her wrapped around thyme with green thread. Then bury the bag in the middle exoderil of a crossroads in the night of full moon. Where thyme grows, is very strong energy center. If you're at a funeral, wear thyme yourself to ward off negativity of the mourners.
Sachets with thyme hung in the closet to protect against moths and smell good. Thyme oil can be used for cleaning around the house - kills bacteria and repels bugs. Put a few drops in a spray bottle with 4 parts water and 1 part vinegar. Acute infusion of thyme is good for washing dark hair. Omzhe add rosemary if you have problems with dandruff. Thyme is used for cough medicine and digestive problems, as well as treatment exoderil for internal parasites. Used in athlete's foot, and hemorrhoids. For internal use, brew 2 tablespoons fresh herb or 1 tablespoon dried in a cup of boiling water. Do not drink more than 2 times a day - morning and evening. This will get rid of problems with the lungs and internal parasites. With a strong infusion can wash your mouth and treat inflamed gums.
Culinary uses of thyme are very interesting and add flavor to dishes. Enhances exoderil the flavor of meat and stewed dishes. Add flavor to vegetables and goes well with potatoes. Add to sandwiches with grilled cheese or scrambled eggs is simply irresistible. Combines well with sage, rosemary and parsley. Thyme herb is tough, so be sure to add early in the dish to be able to slowly release its flavor. The flowers exoderil and leaves are edible and are a good decoration on the plate.
Scarlet Princess Welcome to Mystical Kingdom of Princess Scarlet. exoderil You will find inspirational stories exoderil about love, magic, gods, ordinary people will learn about the stones exoderil and their impact on us, you will understand more about the lives of some famous princesses and queens will plunge into the world of symbols and herbs. Here is the kingdom of Scarlet Princess, and she is the mascot of the Crimson Princess Jewelry. You can see her jewelry on page: It creates handmade jewelry from natural materials for your story. Likes to make people happy and makes dreams come true. Log in its mystic Kingdom and soak in its history, the beauty that creates and learn something new ... View my complete profile
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