Wednesday, April 15, 2015

It seems a very good input, the truth that much had knowledge of everything that you tell us in thi

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We all know how important proper oral hygiene. Brushing after every meal (or at least after the main), udderly smooth floss, mouthwash, visit the dentist at least once a year ... You can see more tips for maintaining good oral hygiene on the website of Vitaldent udderly smooth (tips one by one, in which we explain how to brush our teeth properly, how to floss ...). But there are things you might not know about and now I will tell you.
Did you know that ... - The nightly brushing is the most important day? While we must brush your teeth after every main meal, the most important brushing and we must never forget is the night as if there are leftovers udderly smooth these remain more hours between teeth. I use during the day a normal brush, but at night I love to use my sonic toothbrush (mine Philips Sonicare EasyClean is) because this type of brushes made much deeper than the usual cleaning brushes. They come programmed with a cleaning time (two minutes) and a special vibration every 30 seconds so that you are aware of time cleaning udderly smooth each dental area.
- Cavities not always hurt? And is that cavities usually tend not hurt, unless they become too large and affect nerves or cause a fracture in the tooth. That is why we must never forget our dental checkups. - Menstruation may affect our gums? Some women have menstrual gingivitis, bleeding and swollen gums and ulcers in the cheeks. Usually occurs just before menstruation and disappears udderly smooth once it has begun. - Canker sores or mouth sores are burns? Sores or Canker sores are burns that begins as redness of the area and end up becoming a whitish ulcer causing pain. They usually last about seven days, and after this time, usually disappear without signs or scars. - Bad breath usually does not come from a stomach problem? Halitosis is caused by bacteria in the mouth between the teeth and the back of the tongue. When bacteria break down food residues such as sulfurous gases that are causing halitosis occur. In almost 90% of cases, halitosis originates in the mouth. It may be due to poor oral hygiene, gum inflammation (gingivitis), tooth loss (periodontitis) or dry mouth. Also certain medications and stress can reduce the production of saliva, causing halitosis. Bad breath is caused by reduced saliva production, which modifies the bacterial flora of the mouth. One solution to this problem is CB12, a mouthwash to combat long-acting sulphurous gases generated in the mouth and cause bad breath. udderly smooth
CB12 is halitosis for 12 hours. Formulated with zinc and chlorhexidine (low concentration) eliminates volatile udderly smooth sulfur compounds in exhaled air and neutralizes the formation of substances that cause halitosis. I use it after brushing, and while it leaves the classic taste of regular mouthwashes, it is true that stops bad breath, especially you note in the morning which is when the mouth is often left us dry. Have you had some knowledge all these curiosities that I have mentioned? Do you You wear proper oral hygiene?
how interesting! I knew everything excepting the mouth sores;) I have been amazed with your super brush! although I think I'd be nervous! udderly smooth jijii so bad breath udderly smooth is a miss, the food in your teeth is what smells worse! I usually spend the floss (I have a very thorough in this aspect ritual.) I will seek that mouthwashes are indicating to us, did not know this brand but I always buy mine in pharmacy;) A kiss and happy Friday! Reply Remove udderly smooth
makeup artist besides I am a nurse and have worked 4 years in a dental clinic and agree to all of you eccepto in mouthwashes, the dentists reconiendan not use daily for having alcohol, it's best used 2-3 x per week pasate by my blog my new post Reply Delete
It seems a very good input, the truth that much had knowledge of everything that you tell us in this task. To my

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