Monday, May 11, 2015

Hello Morgan, when raised by you dimension it must be the early detection of periodontal disease at

Hi, have today so my appointment for teeth cleaning. Paint In the past the gums depth was always measured again. But more than the writing down of depth for the file is not happening. Does anyone of you what this is all about? Better to prevent than zurcklehnen? Gre Morgan
Hello Morgan, when raised by you dimension it must be the early detection of periodontal disease at ease. Periodontal disease and periodontal disease can be understood more or less synonymous. Through a bacterial entzndliche Vernderung the oral mucosa (gingiva) is created -> gingivitis (= infection), the immune system the pathogen insufficient bekmpfen (and you are helping not neatly with, with good Zhneputzen and oral hygiene - because You thus removing the plaque, from which the bacteria sometimes ernhren) takes the infection to the tissue surrounding the teeth and particularly the jaw bone over -> periodontitis. If the gums zurckweicht or from tooth lst, form the so-called. Gingival pockets. bonjela These provide protection against bacteria of everyday cleaning of the toothbrush and deliver them root, -haltegewebe and even the jawbone out. At worst, periodontitis leads to tooth loss. "Often periodontitis is ignored, since they thereby verluft usually painless unnoticed. Here an early detection is important to prevent episodes of infectious disease." Source: This is a very comprehensive and informative website on the subject. So if the distance has apparently passed, the value is probably "only" for the file LG, Christian. __________________ "May you live all the days of your life." -Jonathan Swift
Join Date: 23.10.2008 Location: Mannheim Beitrge: 733
For me, the pocket depths were measured already, the values were increases (pockets too deep). It was then completely measured, the report sent with request for acquisition of the periodontal treatment to the insurance company and 1 week later wars approved. This was followed by the treatment. I now have both Hlften (thank God) behind me and has given Next week control. The gums will not grow back again on the ursprngliche height.
I'm just stumbled over an interesting contributions bezglich this thread in the online standard (a serious Austrian daily newspaper): "Entzndliche gum disease can shorten the life time - Smoking increases the periodontitis-Risk Regensburg - The quality of dental care can affect the life of the people. In this study result has Michael Noack, referenced scientist at the Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery of the University of Cologne. Already lnger is known that an untreated Zahnfleischentzndung diabetes and cardiovascular diseases begnstigt. Even the sevenfold bonjela erhhte risk for pregnant women with periodontitis to suffer Frhgeburt, is confirmed by studies. In addition, bonjela there are early signs that patients which regularly bacteria are introduced into the bloodstream, suffer more frequently Schlaganflle. Risk periodontitis risk groups such as diabetics, smokers or pregnant women have to suffer a erhhte risk of periodontitis. "While there are all sorts of horror bonjela scenarios on the cigarette packets, but nowhere is 'smoking losing their teeth earlier'," remarked Michael Noack. Comprehensive Enlightenment, Regular screening and a thorough oral hygiene to take to limit the Zahnfleischentzndung an ever hheren priority. If left untreated, periodontitis next impending tooth loss also have negative effects on the entire body. "It is an illusion to believe, it GbE any piece of the body that works completely independent from the rest," Noack summarizes the problem together. Developments particularly in the field of implantology make the dentures while always "perfect", in spite of all implants are especially progresses periodontitis not a panacea. Implants: Aftercare important Despite the tremendous development of implants in dentistry pldierte Jrgen Becker (University of Dsseldorf) DAFR not to underestimate the follow-up: "Patients who think: I sit down , pay a large amount bonjela of money, all under general anesthesia, implants in it and after that everything will be fine - that's not right " Even the most advanced implant dentistry has its limits. "It indicates implants just entzndliche gum disease, as to natural Zhnen - only they're worse," says Becker. Risk factors such as an existing periodontitis or heavy smoke consumption can the long-term success in addition jeopardize. "Http:// LG, Christian. __________________" May

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