Wednesday, December 4, 2013

But in 1933 the Soviets ended as Ukrainianization general, and in particular the Ukrainian puristic

Created on: March 29, 2013, 12:08
Some authors of Russian publications coldsore Homeric laughter cause actual Ukrainian scientific terms, such as: vporsknyk (syringe) huznivnyk (proctologist) davets (donor) zhovtopropasnytsya (hepatitis), hard drinking delirium (delirium tremens) likoznavets (pharmacologist) nyzkorostok (dwarf), asphalt (surgeon), quiver (case) solodytsya (diabetes), shreschenets (hybrid) cherenyak (wisdom tooth) and others. According to critics, these terms are completely unnecessary or even harmful, because before long they are joint Russian-Ukrainian or foreign language equivalents. Ukraine is not unique in linguistics oberihannya language from the effects of foreign debt in response to the threat coldsore of denationalization, loss of cultural identity is called purism. coldsore In many European cultures, languages purification processes of foreign coldsore elements are Traditionally the inevitable stage of their development and strengthening, a peculiar form of people's struggle for political and cultural independence. That's a few hundred years ago came and established local purism in Germany, which was under the cultural influence of France in Hungary, which has been under pressure from the German and French linguistic elements, in Iceland, where there the efforts of philologists coldsore movement for clean speech from Danish and German layers , the Czech Republic, coldsore which has gained its own language and then identities in powerful Habsburg Empire, in Poland, where purism was also a response to the violent coldsore ponimechennya Poles. In the twentieth coldsore century. coldsore Turkey reformed coldsore its language determined coldsore by the displacement coldsore of the Arab-Persian terms and affirmation instead of specific coldsore words and vernacular dialect. Rich puristic practice with other European nations (Bulgarians, Serbs, Macedonians, Croats, Estonians, Italians and Finns) and the peoples of Asia - Persians, Jews, the Japanese and others. In many European countries today are active associations that deal with the protection of their languages from excessive borrowing. Get rid of inferiority complex language and establish his cult European nations have always helped the educational activities of their national authorities. Undoubtedly, the dilemma "to borrow or create their own" choice depends not only on factors of internal, but on ideological coldsore attitudes of society. We, too, was typical European experience
Ukrainian puristic terminology originates from 70 years of the nineteenth century., When the lexicographical work of Mikhail Levchenko "Experience n-ukraynskaho dictionary" and John Verkhratskiy "Utilities to yuzhnoruskoho dictionary." But the most productive period in terms of creating coldsore zhyvomovniy basis were 20 years of the last century. At this time, published several dictionaries of medical terms that contain such specific names as b'yuchka (artery), boil (abscess), coldsore the cell of the heart (ventricle) lomets (rheumatism), suggestion (hypnosis), dyspnea (shortness of breath severe) and under. ALL (!) While scientists agree with that terminology should be used in the internal language resources, and they have proved that the Ukrainian language has a whole arsenal for creating scientific coldsore terms in the spirit of national language. coldsore And this conclusion is confirmed by the French linguist Albert dose that there is no advantage of one over the other languages that no language itself is more suitable for life than adjacent to it. Soviet linguocide znekrovyv Ukrainian language
But in 1933 the Soviets ended as Ukrainianization general, and in particular the Ukrainian puristic terminology. Ukrainian philologists who were involved in this process were persecuted, their work is branded as "malicious" and "bourgeois nationalists" Glossaries exported from Ukraine and destroyed. Critic Ukrainian purists Stephen coldsore Wasilewski wrote: "We are dealing with an armed enemy, who flipped more than a thousand pages of ethnographic monuments and all the different references. By "pure science" Timchenko, Crimea, chickens and other hidden Nazi interventionist plans ... We are armed with the science of Marx, Lenin and Stalin finally finish off the enemy and build Bolshevik Ukrainian Language, decent day socialism. " 1936 was cleared coldsore of "nationalist" elements of medical terminology dictionary concluded "team of researchers" who zademonstruvav complete exsanguination national medical vocabulary. From that time until the early 90-ies of XX century scientific terms in the Ukrainian language were created are either by tracing or direct borrowing from Russian or transfer internationalisms from the same Russian - merely be fewer differences between the two "sister" languages. Sam terminological dictionaries for Ukrainian destroyed communist-Bolshevik regime in 1933 is impressive. Their deficit we feel now, being forced coldsore to use a foreign language borrowing. Exactly

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