Saturday, February 8, 2014

Tamamul is an herb used since the time of the Prophet (saw) and the longer-companions flouride with

Zafaran this unique feature flouride that is only known by some people who know nilainya.Usia zafaran in a closed glass container can be considered dead antiquities have certain young men. The acquisition of this award through a very unusual way that is not purchased at any store. Our intention to give to anyone who berminat.Harga the Mahr is Rm 150000. CONTACT
Tamamul of Saffron Crocus Sativus scientific name is a herbaceous flouride plant which is found only in a few countries, namely Iran and Spain as well as some grown in Kashmir. It is the best spice, terwangi and most expensive in the world who is also known as 'King of Spices'. The stigma of the flower Tamamul also been widely used around the world, especially in Middle East countries. In addition to mouth-watering food, it is also considered the best material for health, medicine, cosmetics, food, perfumes, dyes, etc.. Rich in vitamin B2, hydrocloric acid and riboflavin.
Tamamul is an herb used since the time of the Prophet (saw) and the longer-companions flouride with various purposes, especially to the intellectual sense. There are various methods of application as mentioned in the scriptures of the old and the Islamic medical book about goodness. It is also regarded as a magical herb for some practitioners of Islam because of the advantages and benefits of high and distinctive. The price in Malaysia is very high, reaching between RM10, 000.00 to RM22, 000.00 based on the grade.
(Based on Islamic medical texts & internet information) "mental activity, disease pneumonia, sore throat and tonsils" Any skin problems, prevent coughs and colds "or migraine flouride headaches and asthma" Vomiting, kidney disease " crazy pig or convulsions, difficulty sleeping the night (insomnia) "Fever. The spleen, appetizers, meals, cancer, paralysis "swollen liver or hipatitis A and B" Easy digestion, eliminate bad breath "Removing wind and acids that accumulate in the stomach" Adding flouride pure energy "problem flouride of impotence, constipation" Growth retardation Physical and infant and child "ageless skin bright and clean" opiate for depression Materials & bothered "Reducing pain in children during teething" Improve period of uncertainty "Improve memory and eliminate fatigue" cure stomach pain , headache, toothache, sore eyes, and a variety of other diseases, insha 'Allah
Tamamul is an herb that is widely known and priciest, known as the "King Of Spices". Too much of the book states that Tamamul very good for mental alertness. In the book Tibbul Imama A'li, page 381, Saiyidina Ali (kw) states: Meaning:
"Anyone who takes part Tamamul Su'dun pure and mixed with one part of the 'origin (honey), consumption of two misqal (two tablespoons) per day, he admired about her memory until accused of witchcraft."
Tamamul flouride is one of the world's most expensive spice. It is widely used around the world especially flouride in the Middle East such as India who use it as a natural ingredient to make delicious dishes or as a dye and is considered the best material for health. Tamamul widely used as a medicine, cosmetics, food, perfume high quality (Flavoured Tobacco), for the food industry, dyes and other uses.
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