Thursday, February 20, 2014

Tor Lea. (Photo: UMB) At such inflammatory diseases namely toothache remedy change the intestinal f

Knowledge toothache remedy increases about how our genes and bacteria in the gut affects our health. However, researchers have only begun to understand this complex interaction.
More and more research suggests namely toothache remedy that the interaction between our genes and the bacteria we have in the intestine plays an important role in inflammatory diseases such as asthma, allergies, inflammatory bowel disease, and autoimmune diseases toothache remedy such as arthritis, diabetes, heart disease and obesity.
- We have evidence toothache remedy that these diseases, such as allergies, increases in our western lifestyle. And we think that there may be a link between genes, intestinal flora and these diseases, said Professor Tor Lea, University of Life Sciences (UMB).
Tor Lea. (Photo: UMB) At such inflammatory diseases namely toothache remedy change the intestinal flora. The researchers believe increasingly that one of the reasons for these changes stem from the environment around us: from the bacteria we have within us.
Recent research suggests that the number of different bacteria we have in the gut, may play an important role. There seems to be a correlation between the diversity toothache remedy of bacteria in the gut and the risk of developing inflammatory diseases.
- The microbial environment is important for, among other things, to develop our immune system. It appears however that the intestinal flora also affects a variety of other body functions. We humans are much more dependent on these bacteria than previously thought, says Lea.
Only a few years ago scientists developed the tool they need to characterize the intestinal flora spring, called sequencing technology. It has opened up a new world.
When the researchers about maybe five or six years has surveyed many interesting toothache remedy correlation patterns remain, however, the large, challenging task: to find the reasons why having a lot of one or more types of bacteria in the intestines can lead to illness or poor health.
- The scope of this task is enormous. Humans have ten times as many bacterial cells as human cells. These germ cells have again 100 times as many genes in human cells, says Rudi.
Knut Rudi. (Photo: Odd Letnes) To better understand the interaction between bacteria and host researchers have thus partly begun to examine organisms that are easier than us. Perhaps as honey bees provide some answers? What do bacteria in the intestines of bees?
- Honeybees are simple organisms, but similar toothache remedy to us since they are both social toothache remedy and hygienic behavior. According to the theory of evolution had bees and humans a common ancestor 500 million years ago.
- We see that the original theories about the effect of probiotics may have on inflammatory diseases and other health problems, turns out to be too simple. Tarmflorverdenene is much more complicated and nuanced than we thought.
- Plays probably also other factors like genetic variation, age, ethnicity, toothache remedy activity level, medication and physical environment we are moving in an important role, says Professor Judith Narvhus at UMB.
Judith Narvhus. (Photo: HÃ¥kon Sparre, UMB) At present there is not sufficient scientific evidence that adding such as probiotics, have a positive health effect. Moreover, researchers know little about the long term effects it may have to manipulate bacteria in the gut.
- Recent knowledge in this area internationally hailed as potentially the biggest opportunity to improve public health. But probiotics are probably no shortcut to a solution that suits everyone.
- To fully understand the complicated society stationed in our gut and how it affects our health, we need much more research, says Narvhus. toothache remedy
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