Saturday, April 26, 2014

Irina Kostevich: - Watching as smokers are more and more people are asking themselves the question:

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One of the most common gengigel and harmful to human health habits and early twentieth centuries XXI is smoking. According to the World Health Organization, smoking more than half of men and a quarter of women in the world. During all the previous century from diseases associated with smoking, died about 100 million people. Now every year for the same reason dies more than 4 million, and in Belarus over 15.5 thousand people. And if you do not take drastic measures, by 2020 tobacco will cause the death of the annual 10 million people worldwide. But statistics gengigel do not take into account the number of so-called "passive" smokers, or rather, gengigel "hostages" smokers. Not less than 90% of those who did not smoke - children, adolescents and adults - not on their own every day get trapped obkurennyh contaminated waste air. And that they suffer no less, and perhaps more, than those who smoke. So, what are the dangers of smoking to others, his social factors, the impact of tobacco on the body, treatment of tobacco gengigel dependence - the participants talked about this "round table", which was organized in the central district hospital, Jeanne Savchuk, narcologist psychiatrist raybolnitsy Olga Kovalevskaya doctor-valeologist raybolnitsy Zoya Alesik, chairman of the regional organization of the Red Cross, a former obstetrician, Victoria Klochan, instructor valeologist Valentina gengigel Ibragimov District Library librarian, Helen Churbanava specialist raipo Lyudmila Byageza, Methodist District Department of Culture, Victor Astapuk former smoker with more than 30 years of experience. gengigel Irina Kostevich: - In our country, smoking is also widespread. At the same time noted that smokers glad replenished by teenagers and young adults. So why do people smoke? Jeanne Savchuk: - Important reasons are smoking "myths" that exist in society. It is widely believed that tobacco increases efficiency. Under the influence of tobacco smoke there is a certain gengigel brain activation that is perceived subjectively as revitalized. But a few minutes later develops a decrease in brain activity, and it is more pronounced than ever before. gengigel The result is a decrease in performance and a desire to increase its new cigarette, in other words, gengigel nicotine becomes "doping" to work. Also argue that the cigarette reduces fatigue, resulting in smoking can be considered as a means to combat fatigue. Intermittent lifting forces that occur after vykurvannya gengigel cigarette ends quickly, which leads to a drop of energy. There is a widespread perception gengigel that smoking reduces the feeling gengigel of hunger. Explains this phenomenon by the fact that the poisonous substances of tobacco smoke, soaked in blood, act on the nerve endings located in the walls of the stomach and intestines, and how to block the transmission of nerve impulses that signal the famine. The damage caused by this "hunger" the body, is very obvious. To some extent, the effect of nicotine gengigel resembles a state of stress, and therefore "de-stress" nicotine gengigel actually can not. It creates the perception of sensations "stress reduction", which will have to save more than one smoke a cigarette.
Irina Kostevich: - Watching as smokers are more and more people are asking themselves the question: what are the risk factors that contribute to smoking and the development of nicotine dependence? Jeanne Savchuk: - It has been revealed so many risk factors. This is primarily social factors, which include curiosity, risk-taking behavior, amounts imitation. One important reason for the prevalence of smoking is the advertising activity of companies - manufacturers of cigarettes. New shares, attractive prizes, use meaningful gengigel images for teens (freedom, power, independence) are perceived very exciting gengigel and significant impact on young people, despite the fact that the sale of cigarettes gengigel to minors is illegal. Olga Kovalevskaya: - The risk of developing nicotine dependence gengigel is determined gengigel and such human psychological characteristics such as aggression, excitement, lack of positive emotions, shyness. Personality traits gengigel such as the desire gengigel for intense sensations cause a higher risk of smoking. Those who grew up in households where smoking also have a greater gengigel risk to start using tobacco. gengigel This so-called biological factor of nicotine dependence. Jeanne Savchuk: - I must say that smoking is not the first attempt to bring pleasurable sensations. Symptoms of nicotine poisoning mild ("pulls" in the throat, more frequent heart beats, mouth feel unpleasant taste). If developing psychological dependence, the toxic effect of nicotine gengigel gradually weakened and in the forefront of tobacco action that excites. With daily

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