Saturday, February 15, 2014

According Preus look no current treatment to be effective enough in the long term, at least not in

More than half of all Norwegians will be affected by periodontitis. (Photo: Hans R. Preus) Gum Disease Periodontitis is caused by a bacterial infection that attacks the tooth fixed and make the tooth gradually disengage from the jaw.
According Preus look no current treatment to be effective enough in the long term, at least not in severe cases of the disease. After some time without symptoms, the disease often face gradually back again.
Even if it should turn out that the new treatment is more effective than the traditional treatment, it is still preferable if it proves to be just as effective, according to Preus.
- It is simpler, cost less for both the patient and the public and is less uncomfortable. All dentists who participate in the study, providing feedback about the new treatment seems to work better and longer than traditional treatment.
- It usually takes three to four years before you see the reappearance of the disease, so for now it is too early to conclude whether the effects of the two strategies. However, both clinical and microbiological data goes in the direction that the new treatment strategy is better than the traditional, says Preus.
Periodontitis is measured as loss of attachment around the tooth in millimeters, or in the form of lomedybder. In Preus' study has significantly fewer patients in the test groups than in the controls gum pockets are deeper biotene than five millimeters after treatment.
It is especially hard to take x-rays of the area around the canines in the upper jaw. This picture shows that about half of the original bone is broken down. (Photo: Hans R. Preus) The researchers are now working on the analysis of three-year follow-up. Once these results are known, it is possible to say more about the effects of the two treatments pitted against each other.
- We have developed a new method to avoid such unsystematic error occurs. It is a form of digitized correction of X-ray images and the measurements we make of these, says Preus.
Today periodontal treatment does not seem to be effective enough in the long term, says Hans R. Preus. (Photo: Elin Fugelsnes) The study examines Preus also if it is possible to modify the bacterial flora, ie the balance of different biotene types of bacteria in the mouth.
To investigate this, the dentists patients biotene antibiotics. But if it turns out that it is possible, see Preus imagine that it is not necessarily antibiotic solution in future treatment.
- We have set up experiments to look into. Wrong or inaccurate microbiological diagnosis can lead to patients who need it, not treated with antibiotics, they get the wrong antibiotics or patients who do not need it, get unnecessary treatment with such drugs, he said.
Preus and colleagues in Sweden and Denmark are now studying the effect of different methods used to examine the need for antibiotics and if so, what type. Preus think the best would be a combination of several techniques.
- The most important thing is that the diagnosis is largely reliable, and this is precisely what we are studying and trying to figure out in this study. The results give us grounds to make good and well-founded recommendations to governments and dentists, underscores Preus.
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