Tuesday, February 4, 2014

None of those who stand the smell of the mouth of his interlocutor. This fact could give a bad impr

None of those who stand the smell of the mouth of his interlocutor. This fact could give a bad impression directly to others with whom to interact. whitening lightning Luckily there are several ways that a relatively simple and easy to cope with bad breath halitosis aka this. "Actually, bad breath comes from the gases produced by bacteria whitening lightning that accumulate whitening lightning in the mouth, gums, teeth and tongue. The problem is many of these gases that contain sulfur, which makes them have a pungent stench, "said Dr.. Jeffrey Spiegel, ENT specialist from Boston, USA.
"A simple whitening lightning way to overcome this condition, of course brushing and flossing, as well as the tongue cleaner that can clean the malodorous bacteria from under your tongue," he added. whitening lightning
1. Visit the dentist "If your bad breath does not go away for a long time, it could not hurt to visit your dentist. Because once certain bacteria sticking to your teeth, they can form plaques that must be cleaned immediately by a professional, "advises Chetan Kaher, dentist from London.
Why is this plaque should be cleaned? According Kaher, these plaques can eat away at your teeth, not just cause cavities but also bad breath. Halitosis itself can also be caused by tooth decay and tooth decay, and the only way to be sure is to see a dentist.
2. Another major cause nasal checks of bad breath whitening lightning is the stench whitening lightning secretion from the nasal passages due to sinus infections a person, the presence of certain bacteria in diseases of the nose and nasal cavity.
3. Tonsil stones "Tonsils form clumps of lymph tissue at the back of the throat is not really round like chewing gum but like the plum pick many cracks where bacteria can accumulate in them," said Kaher.
Sometimes the tonsil stones are formed from the following microbes trapped debris in the mouth. Both Kaher and Spiegel agreed if the tonsil stones can cause foul odors and contribute to halitosis.
Lucky tonsil stones can be removed by a tool called Waterpik, in the form of water that is sprayed with a certain pressure to the tonsil stones so they can be removed. But if the stone is quite large and continues to accumulate, the doctor should immediately whitening lightning remove it. "In fact we often have to take someone's tonsils because whitening lightning his mouth was so smelly," said Spiegel.
4. Picky eating food such as onions and garlic whitening lightning have long been known to cause bad breath, but not just because of the remains easily accumulate in your mouth. "The problem in people who consume garlic, for example, chemical compounds from the food will be brought into the body by the blood cells and excreted through the lungs," said Spiegel.
That's why your breath really smells after eating garlic, and the smell is not just coming from your mouth. But no one can solve it but to wait until the smell subsides itself, whitening lightning covered with chewing mint or mouthwash, or avoid foods containing garlic.
5. Check the contents of the stomach If the above is not the cause of your bad breath or odor of your mouth does not go away, then it is time you see a doctor. In some cases, stomach problems can also cause bad breath.
One of the main causes of acid reflux is a disorder, in which acid and other stomach contents leak and out of the organ, then into the esophagus. Fortunately this condition can be treated whitening lightning by taking antacids. Rahma Lillahi Sativa - detikHealth

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