Saturday, October 4, 2014

After stating parenthetically in your editorial, you were yourselves son and small son of immigrant

Maisto Dear Sir, I have eaten my front brake to respond to your editorial of Lyon Capitale magazine of June, to see what happened on the campaign of Legislative and if your call to a "Republican Front, which also would bar the road to extreme-left carie "would be heard. Congratulations Mr. Maisto, carie Sarkozy then Coppé, Morano, Gueant, Meunier here at home and the UMP at the highest level have implemented the success that we know: the Republican carie dike isolated the FN and the extreme -Straight Democratic field jumped and whole sections of the UMP have no problem to build alliances with the FN they share the "values" ... My first impressions reading your editorial was so good and I'll book and especially your readers (hopefully achieve despite "gum" media to the Left Front in the reality of all of its components). In reading your editorial in the latest issue of capital Lyon, simply titled "Comrade bourgeois syndrome and gum," two thoughts occurred to me: 1 / laugh scornfully your reactionary diatribe so at odds with the reality of FDG, its democratic emancipatory project of its candidate for the Presidential 2 / answer a cappella. So I would choose a "mixed". It is indeed still the same song as dear Claude said. But the difference is that your blind defender of the established order is still there. Need we recall, Mr Director of the publication, which is the shareholder of your website and the links you have with him? I guess so. Lyon Capitale, formerly a newspaper "itching powder" our beautiful capital of Gaul, is it no longer a reactionary rant? . And that's carie not me saying that. Would I be presumptuous to say that the purchase of such by Mr. Latouche, CEO of Fiducial, is no stranger to this sudden change? carie Is it necessary to recall the reporting relationship between you and Mr. Latouche? You communications director of the group, I can not advise carie you read the little book of Dominique Wolton "Informing is not communicating." (I am willing to send it to you if you wish). Should we also remember the political discourse, repeated the aforementioned Mr Latouche again? Yes. Recall and Mr Latouche, was in the days of the MNR as a keynote speaker summer schools of the party of Bruno Megret. Some of the statements below:
"[Christian Latouche] emphasized that the Raffarin government did not break with the socialist economy and did nothing carie to promote carie growth and economic freedoms. "In carie the entourage of Latouche, according to several carie sources, participation in this conference is explained by the desire to network with clients, patrons of small and micro businesses ... At a conference CGPME (General Confederation of employers of small and medium enterprises), carie in 2002, he says things like "We go 25 years of socialism carie or Marxism rather the French" or "You carie know how they say strike the United States? "French strike. '" He explained that France was to be run "like a business". Two years later, another Congress CGPME, Latouche said that "Bernard Thibault leads France." In his speech, he also worried about "the France that is afraid," "scared to go on the subway," "afraid to leave his car in a parking lot," "fear of fundamentalist Islam."
"Outreach services to Paris? Excuse me, it's even someone from an immigrant who is here on Saturday and Sunday, open 24 hours 24 It's like New York, it's probably not a native French. carie Even in the secular clergy are recruited in Africa. "(See video, 7 ') CHRISTIAN LATOUCHE BEFORE THE CGPME
After stating parenthetically in your editorial, you were yourselves son and small son of immigrant workers (you're doing there Mélenchon careful!) You gratify us the most debilitating carie clichés and anti-communist primary, that of FN themselves carie dare not say that on Twitter. Some lyrics followed laboriously (Latin Labor, including your parents certainly knew more meaning than yourself) support. Either. I also would say that.
I understand the incredible tough choice which then gives you: listen carie to the voice of his master, or try to support it. Thus comes to my ear words of Renaud (small world is not it?)
"I could live in the street Being pummeled feet Eating a lot less than my due Sleeping

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