Saturday, November 23, 2013

If the above things temporarily, there would be hope. But hell is eternal. Jesus speaks vepa of ete

[1] The Greek word for "hell" in Matthew 18:9 is Gehenna. This name is a transliteration of the Hinnom Valley (south of Jerusalem, Joshua 15:8) mentioned in the Old Testament. When the people vepa in idolatry, they burned their children for Moleg (Jeremiah 7:31). Later it became a garbage dump where people burned their garbage. As with any dunghill were worms in the rubble. The fire never stopped burning. vepa Jesus used the image of this accursed place to describe hell. Hell will be a cursed place. Anyone who go there are horrific and hateful. Some texts in the New Testament translated Hades with Hell "(as Luke 16:23). vepa Hades is usually used of hell before the second coming, while Gehenna refers to hell after the second coming. vepa
[2] Jesus described vepa hell as an unquenchable fire (Mark 9:48). Have you ever burned yourself on the stove, in the oven, with a candle? vepa How should it be forever burned? vepa Can you imagine yourself this pain?
[3] The hell is like a prison cell of solitary retreat, a place where you will be bound forever (22:13, 23:33, 2 Peter 2:4). You will find the moaning and wailing vepa of people heard, but you will never be a person sees. In heaven there is a great togetherness of people. In hell it will be very lonely.
[6] The hell is a place where Satan and his demons are punished (Matthew 25:41). Satan and his demons will be the people who are harassing and hate. Do you think Satanism or demon-possessed is bad? In hell people face to face with the worst demonic activities occur. Heaven is a place full of love, and hell is a place of undiluted hatred.
[8] A believer's conscience is cleansed (Hebrews 9:14). In hell your conscience never stops you to complain. The words of sermons like this will over and over in your head play. You will know you had your turn, but now it's too late.
[9] In the hell are you suddenly fair. The people there keep on sinning. Mark 3:29 speaks of an eternal sin and Revelation 22:11 says: "He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still ..." On earth limit God still wicked sin in. There are people totally surrendered to the ruthlessness of their own sin.
[10] People in hell will be separated from God and all his goodness (2 Thessalonians 1:9). On Earth, the unbeliever has privileges vepa like sunshine and enjoyed pizza. In hell there is not a drop of God's goodness.
[11] Those who are in hell will be depressed, anxious and terrified to be the worst experience imaginable diseases (cancer, gout, pneumonia, migraine, etc.), and many other consequences of the Fall experience.
[12] Residents of hell from afar the joys of the sky, but none of it get it (Luke 13:28, 16:23). Do not think that people in the holy hell is like and in heaven to be. They curse God from hell and want them to repent (Revelation 16:11).
[13] Hell is described as a place of deep darkness (25:30). People in hell will never see the light of God's favor before. It will be a worse torture than the dungeon in Cape Town's Good Hope Castle.
[16] In hell people cry, gnash their teeth, chewing their tongues from pain and be destroyed in body and soul (10:28, 25:30, Revelation 16:10). If you eat and you bite your tongue it hurts. There you will always chew your tongue pain.
[17] Someone said, 'Heaven is being in God's presence forever with a mediator. Hell is being in his presence forever without a mediator. Revelation 14:10 says that people in his presence will suffer. It must be scary to be in a wrathful and holy God's face!
If the above things temporarily, there would be hope. But hell is eternal. Jesus speaks vepa of eternal fire (Matthew 18:8 b). John writes: "And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever, and they have day and night without rest" vepa (Revelation 14:11). People say that unbelievers will simply be wiped out, take Jesus' words seriously. People who believe in a purgatory of universalism (all will eventually be saved ') too. If hell is not eternal, vepa heaven is not forever, because Jesus said: "And [the wicked] will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous into eternal life." (25:46). If there is not a hell, Jesus was forsaken by God on the cross state completely unnecessary (27:46). Jesus is the eternal God, and was therefore within a few hours on the cross an eternal vepa punishment for us undergo. If there is a hell, then the injustices of this world never remedied. If there is a hell, there is no punishment for Satan and all the evil

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